Friday, November 17, 2023


 Do you have any memories or stories about your great gramma? My older grandchildren will remember little snippets of my mom and my children have memories of my gramma. 

The math of family demands that you have four great grandmas but the math of aging makes it unlikely that you will know any of them. At least not in person.  There are stories of course but those can be surprisingly scarce!! How can someone so important and impactful be completely forgotten? 

I only have stories about one great gramma, my mother’s mother’s mother.  My Gramma Nelson’s mother Minerva, was a Haddock by birth and was transformed into a Ray by marriage. She was thrifty, optimistic, resourceful, faithful, creative, generous, hardworking, intelligent, courageous, a woman of faith and good humour.  And I have a little story to back up very claim; all eye witness accounts by her own grandchildren. 

We never met but I love you, great gramma. 

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