Saturday, April 4, 2020

pinkish purplish bluish

The colors of this runner make me think of The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg by Bill Peet.

"Drew the egg - colored it pinkish purplish bluish- and printed the title under it, and then wondered for a few years what could be in the egg. (I) went on to other things. I thought at first there might be a dragon in the egg, but then I thought, well, there have been so many dragon stories and I thought I could find something a little different. Finally I decided it would be a griffin." Bill Peet in an interview with E. Edwards, post 1970
" Soon all sorts of birds began flocking around
To see the big egg that Myrtle had found-
Blue jays and redbirds and noisy magpies
And a big stuffy owl who was worldly and wise.
'It won't hatch, said the owl. 'That egg is stone-cold.
Why for all we know it's a thousand years old.'
"If it does hatch,' a jay said, 'I'll bet it's a turtle,
For, after all, you are a turtledove, Myrtle.'
But the dove didn't listen to what the birds said;
She was bound and determined to go right ahead."
Bill Peet from the book The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg 

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