Wednesday, January 6, 2016

little gift

I really love making cards. They seem like a little gift in themselves. Here is a mermaid for my granddaughter's birthday. She will recognize the heart and hands as being just like a large felt version I brought along for story time last year when she was in kindergarten. I'm hoping she will notice that there are four hearts... the cheeks and the miniature card the mermaid is holding....because my granddaughters favourite shape is a heart. She draws them all the time. They are almost her signature. I'm hoping too that she will like the scales and the way the mermaid bends as though swimming with the waves...up and down, up and down. I considered long hair, flowing like seaweed but decided that short, frosty blue hair was actually pretty cool. I know she looks like she's wearing a blue sweater but it is January.....

I cut the silhouette of a mermaid from blue cardstock and added the bare necessities...scales, water drops on her tail, hands holding a miniature card for writing a birthday greeting and a face with eyes, cheeks and lips.
Then I folded it up like an accordian and slipped it under the ribbon on my granddaughters birthday package.
If I'm ever shipwrecked on a desert island I sure hope I have a stack of paper and a pair of scissors.

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