Tuesday, May 27, 2014

sis boom bah

A blogpost a day would yield 365 posts by year end. It seems such a lofty goal. I've thought wistfully of it in the past but the math has usually stopped me in my tracks. Late in October or November is no time to think of making a sprint for the finish if it means writing twenty posts a day for the final month. Do I dare to go for it this year? December 31 is out of sight over the horizon. I would just need to write one a day plus an extra ten a month to stagger over the finish line. Then I could jump up and down and shake my gatorade all over the place. Should I make a dash for it?
Sis boom bah, rah rah rah.

1 comment:

  1. Always a pleasure to read something that is well written. I may not always comment but I always read and enjoy your posts. Post away!
