Sunday, April 1, 2012

dressed for winter

McDougall Cottage put out its annual call.
I answered.
The theme for 2012 was Plaids at Play.
We were given a swatch of Olympic plaid fabric from the 2010 Winter Games to incorporate,
and in case that wasn't enough to narrow our focus, fashion was mentioned.
I decided that my quilt needed to feature children playing, and that it would be winter.
So far so good.
I turned the Olympic fabric swatch into a tiny quilt; a once prized souvenir of the Games that has found its way onto the back of a toboggan. Have you ever noticed the tendency those sorts of highly priced collectibles have of gravitating towards the toy box or car trunk?
In a nod to fashion, I dressed my children in plaid snowsuits, the trees in snow, the animals in winter white, the snowman in style and called it Dressed For Winter.
Vintage long john buttons were used for embellishment on the pieced border.
The following is a portion of the discription that was submitted with the quilt:

Appliqued children flit about, as bright as winter birds.
Trees are cloaked in snowy shawls, animals change their coats of brown and grey for white and children play outdoors dressed in scarlet and blue, green and gold: zippered and buttoned and laced
My grandchildren’s favourite toys, dinosaurs and a doll have been included in the outdoor fun.
The little dog can’t believe his eyes.

My Wee Quilt will be viewed by strangers far, far away in Cambridge, Ontario.
It will return to me like a homing pigeon in September....

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